Looking for something fun to do with the kids this weekend?
Head out to the Family Day on the Prairie & Preserve Tour this Saturday, October 14 from 9 am - noon at Nelson Farms.
Dip a net in the crawfish pond and discover the creatures that live there. Sweep the prairie with pole nets to find out what insects live in the tall grasses. Learn basic birding and animal track identification. See birds and animal tracks. Learn about plants you can grow in your own garden to attract beautiful butterflies. Go on a scavenger hunt. Make seed balls for the demonstration prairie. Bring the whole family to enjoy a day on the prairie and find out why we like to say, "It's flat out wonderful!" For more information or to register, write to events@katyprairie.org, call 713-523-6135 or visit www.katyprairie.org. For directions, visit www.katyprairie.org/assets/pdf/Nelson_Farms.pdf.
Until the next nap time...