I'm slowly pulling things back together after an insanely wonderful weekend in San Antonio. I'll post details later. However, I now have several tidbits related to kids and parents that I want to share.
With summer and swimming upon us, water safety is of utmost importance. Our friend Amy shared this story as a good reminder. Thanks, Amy.
Juli sent me this link to a short article on Oprah.com about balancing work & life as a mom. I can be a bit defiant or so I'm told so it's no wonder I like this article. Here's a great quote from the article: "Being forced to seek balance within ourselves, we can make our unsteady, stumbling days feel less and less like disaster and more and more like a joyful dance -- the dance of a wildly, wonderfully, perfectly unbalanced life."
Finally, Andrea submitted this link about a new way to share photos & updates with your family & friends. Check it out.
Until the next nap time...