Here is a new development on being environmentally-friendly and teaching kids about history and caring for the environment in a fun way. This new book series tells stories about young characters in the 1800s. The first book in the series is called The Land of Curiosities and finds two children who move from New York and later experience the development of the world's first national park, Yellow Stone Park. While set in a historical setting, the kids' adventures is what makes it fun, according to the company owner. The author explains that the environmental messages are woven into the storyline so readers don't feel as if it's being beaten into their heads. The back of each book will include ~ 10 pages of history about Yellow Stone Park or in future books, history about the book's setting. The books target readers age 8-16 years.
The company behind the book series is EcoSeeker, a brother & sister duo, hoping to gain Harry Potter status with the books and then motivate readers to take the EcoSeeker pledge to care for the environment.
Listen to the interview of the company owner & his sister (the book author) on Good Morning America Now at Wake up your children to environmental issues.
Until the next nap time...