Thursday, August 03, 2006

August 4: School Supplies Drive

Running through Friday, August 4, DePelchin is requesting school supplies for local children who otherwise might start the school year without needed equipment. Please purchase items from the following list and bring them to DePelchin’s main campus 8 am - 5 pm.

School Supplies:
- Backpacks (mesh or regular)
- Fiskar scissors
- Elmer's glue
- Crayola crayons (16 or 24 packs)
- Crayola markers
- Crayola map pencils
- Pocket folders
- 1 subject spiral notebooks
- Grades 1-5 composition books
- #2 pencils
- Calculators
- Construction paper
- Yellow Highlighters
- Black and blue pens
- Red grading pencils
- Pink erasers
- Lunchboxes
- Rulers
- Kleenex
- 3 ring binders
- Notebook paper
- Graph paper
- Manila paper
- Mechanical pencils

School Clothes (children and teens):
- Khaki slacks or skirtsRed, white, or navy polo shirts
- White tennis shoes- Underwear
- White socks

For more details, visit

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