Friday, December 05, 2008

I know we're past Thanksgiving, but Little K keeps bringing home drawings of turkeys in the shape of her hand. Funny. I remember doing that as a kid, too. Since Thanksgiving seems to be still on our mind, I thought I'd share a photo of Little K playing with her home-made tom-tom. We actually made it on Thanksgiving while the feast was baking at my parents' home. She is still playing with the oatmeal container turned Indian music instrument. I thought my father was going to toss us out of the house if we played the tom-tom any more.
Looking for something fun to do this weekend? Don't forget Dickens on the Strand is this weekend in Galveston. Pack up the kids on Saturday or Sunday and head down for a day of Christmas spirit. Hope to see you there!
Another fun event if you want to stay close to home is the ADVENT FESTIVAL at Faith Lutheran Church, located at
4600 Bellaire Blvd., Bellaire, TX 77401. It's this Saturday, Dec. 6 from 10 am - 1 pm. Prepare for Jesus’ Birth! Bethlehem Bazaar and Food, Advent Crafts and Ornaments, Games, Carols, Storytelling, Bake Sale and Silent Auction. Fun for all ages!
Admission is a canned good or unwrapped toy for Christian Community Service Center’s “Jingle Bell Express”. (What a great idea!)
To close out for the week, I want to share these real comments from moms in Houston. Share your comments to this blog to keep the laughter rolling.
You know you're the mother of a preschooler when you ...
  • double-knot your own shoes.
  • find a half eaten molded sandwich under your driver's side seat!
  • discover going to the grocery store is a twice weekly event.
Until the next nap time...

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