Here's a great way to enjoy nature without getting wet in all this rain.
· Hana & Arthur Ginzbarg Nature Discovery Center is an amazing way to explore nature and its critters. The second floor of a house has been dedicated as the Discovery Room, featuring lots of hands-on learning experiences for children. One room has a wonderful life-size exhibit of a campground and the animals that you’d find in that setting, including two owl puppets that hide in an artificial tree. In another room, you’ll find a few aquariums with animals native to the Houston area such as snakes (yikes!), turtles and fish. Explore at the table of rubber bugs. Check out the child-friendly microscope to examine the smallest creatures. The butterfly exhibit shows visitors the evolution from caterpillar to cocoon to butterfly by illustrating the butterflies you’ll see in our backyard. While my daughter is really still a bit young for this, she didn’t miss a beat with the puppet stage. If only she’d kept the rubber bugs alone! There’s also an outdoor sanctuary with a quail, bunnies and more.
Recommended age: 3+ years to foster an understanding of nature
Admission: Free
Time: Tues-Sun Noon-5:30 pm; Closed Monday
Physical location: 7112 Newcastle between Bellaire & Beechnut 713-667-6550