Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Life's a Beach in Galveston for Spring Break

Yesterday afternoon, we headed down to the beach in Galveston for some Spring Break fun. I was pleasantly surprised that the beach wasn't crowded at all and there were no scenes from "Girls Gone Wild". Don't get me wrong. I love a good party and am not a stick in the mud, but when you have a young child, you look at Spring Break entirely differently than you did when you were in high school or college. I never liked "Girls Gone Wild" though. :-)

Any ways, the water was still too cold for my taste at (I'm guessing) about 70 degrees, although plenty of others were swimming. Instead, Trent, Little K, our dog & I walked along the beach, letting the water splash on our legs. Little K borrowed a basket from her CiCi to collect shells in. It was such a nice, leisurely walk for blocks down the beach. Ahead of us, we could see the beginnings of the Pleasure Pier under construction (set to open May 28).

Little K stopped to build a mini sand castle for a bit. Then we turned around and walked back to our original juncture. It was really nice.

I'd recommend heading to Galveston for Spring Break but try during the week, instead of the weekend, for a less crowded beach. We started at 45th Street and the Seawall and headed east toward Gaido's Restaurant, another favorite eatery of ours.

Of course, for those of you who can't make the trip to the island this weekend, plan a trip for this spring or summer. There's so much to do here and it's a nice, casual getaway from the hustle and bustle of Houston. 

Until the next nap time...