Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Tracking Santa

As it has done for more than 50 years, NORAD will track Santa Claus at http://www.noradsanta.org/ on Dec. 24. The site will feature 24 key stops that St. Nick makes on his journey around the world. The video and audio reports start on Dec. 24 at 4 a.m. ET and are updated regularly until 4:00 a.m. ET on Dec. 25. Go to the site now for fun interactive activities.

Until the next nap time...

Not to Be Preachy But... The Real Meaning of Christmas

In preparing for today’s devotional at my MOPS, I searched through a book & the MOPS web site to find the perfect thing to say. The search actually pointed out what was going on right before me.

I’ve hurried to send out Christmas cards, bake goodies for today but also for my clients. I still need to get goodies for my neighbors. I’ve bought & wrapped all our gifts. I’ve even planned out how much time we’ll spend with my in-laws versus my parents. With all this preparation complete, why am I still stressed?

Then, my thoughts turn to my 2.5 year old daughter. When asked what she wants for Christmas, she doesn’t really know what to say. After prompting, she finally decides the “Mickey Mouse dog that barks.” (That’s code for Pluto.) But Kylie will tell you nothing else. She simply doesn’t want anything else.

However, I’ve found it inspiring to see her head downstairs each morning and look into our nativity scene. She looks with wonder into the empty manger & announces “No Baby Jesus yet.” While somewhat humorous, shouldn’t we all be so eager to experience the birth of Christ?

This Christmas season, I hope each of you will be able to look beyond the presents, bows and appointments. I hope you’ll eagerly await the true meaning of Christmas and find comfort and peace in that anticipation. As for me, I’m still working on it.
Until the next nap time...