We're very lucky in that my daughter has plenty of toys. With a closet and a toy box full of books, stuffed animals and more, I wonder why she'd need more for her b-day in April. I thought maybe friends could bring a toy to be donated to a charity or our party invitation could simply list "no gifts". My husband disagreed: "She's a little kid, Megan. She deserves toys for her birthday."
Still in doubt, I asked a few neighbors what they thought about the dilemma but they agreed with my hubbie. However, they did make a great suggestion. Buy educational toys for Little K and do the same for parties which she attends. Great, I know the perfect place to find these educational toys.
Today, we went to the Lakeshore Learning store and in less than 10 minutes, I had purchased 2 gifts for a 2-year-old boy's upcoming birthday party and got plenty of ideas for my own daughter. My husband and daughter stayed in the car since it was minutes away for our regular nap time (thus, the rush) but I checked out the arts & crafts table. Each Saturday, Lakeshore has a different craft scheduled. It's a great way to get those minds & fingers moving while parents grab a needed gift. Check out the craft schedule here. Now we're at home, a few minutes and tears late for nap time but already Little K is fast asleep. Hope this gift idea and activity helps your family.
Until the next nap time...