I love Friday the 13th. It started years ago when I went to my (paternal)Grandmother's house after school on Friday the 13th. When she asked how my day was, I rattled through a laundry list of bad things that had happened all because it was Friday the 13th.
My Grandmother surprised me when she refuted the bad luck, although she's always been super superstitious. She said Friday the 13th did not bring bad luck. In fact, it brought GOOD luck. How did she know? My Grandmother was born on Friday, Nov. 13, 1913.
This past Friday was Friday the 13th so I took Little K to the dentist. She was nervous but loved the prizes she got from Dr. Rhea's office. Then, we met my mom, my sister, my niece and my maternal grandparents. It's wonderful to have four generations together. It was also quite a show at Le Peep restaurant on I-10. Little K teased her great PaPaDon and then turned to tickle her cousin Claire. I returned Little K to nursery school around 10:30 that morning so she could participate in the Valentine Day festivities. When I picked her up that afternoon, she claimed that she indeed had a great day.
Today, my favorite numbers are 5 and 13, and now you know why I like at least one of them. It's amazing what one small conversation with my Grandmother could translate into when I had my own daughter. I seem to find good things in each Friday the 13th, no matter what gruesome flick is playing at the local movie theater. Get ready. March also touts a Friday the 13th. It's another opportunity to find great things in your life and your child's.
Until the next nap time...