We had a wonderful Christmas holiday with both my parents & sister as well as my husband Trent's parents & sister. Little K was a delight, opening gifts while wearing a green dress my own mother made me years ago. It's interesting how time develops.
The tough news we received on Christmas Day was that Trent's grandfather passed away just outside Chicago. We'll soon travel to pay our respects and help out however we can. Unfortunately, Little K never met Grandpa so it's difficult to explain to her. I must admit that it's not the first time the thought of this has crossed my mind. My 84-year-old PaPa recently emailed me to say:
"After all, your dad's mom is 94 and your mom's parents are both 84. And, although they are all in good health considering their ages, they are all still past their prime.
How do you explain to a child, say one Little K's age (2.5 years), that a grandparent has died? Do you take them to the viewing and/or funeral ? If so why? And if not, why not?"
So many of us will sooner or later face this challenging discussion. How would you handle it? I simply told Little K this morning that Mommy & Daddy would be taking a trip on an airplane. When she asked if she was going, I told her, no, that instead she gets to visit Grand & PaPa, plus go to the family ranch. Oddly, that answer seemed to suffice her ... for now. Whether she asks more questions over the next few days or the next few years, I'd like to be prepared and give her the information that will best help her.
If you have advice, please post your thoughts to this blog or email me your suggestions. Please keep us in your thoughts & prayers. Thanks.
Many wishes for a rewarding & positive New Year! Until the next nap time...