Thursday, April 12, 2007

Bike Rides in the Sun This Saturday

Looking for a fun way to enjoy Houston's spring weather?

Head to the 2nd Annual Heights Holy Mackerel Bike Race. Join the Baptist Temple Church in the Heights and the Woodlands Cycling Club for an exciting day of bicycle racing and wholesome family fun in the historic Houston Heights. Experience the thrill of watching top-ranked men and women cyclists compete for cash and prizes and enjoy food, fun and exciting activities for the whole family at "RACE HUB" in the church parking lot.

Children ages 3 to 10 are invited to participate in Kid's Races ranging in distances from 70 yards to 1.5 miles. Youngsters ages 10 to 18 may ride in the Juniors category race, sanctioned by USA Cycling, and adults 18 years and older can race for cash and prizes in the Texas Cup Pro-Am Series* races.

Don't miss the thrilling spectacle and family fun of the 2007 HEIGHTS HOLY MACKEREL! Baptist Temple Bike Race. See you there!
DATE AND TIME: Saturday, April 14, 2007
The Kid's Bicycle/Tricycle Race begins at 10:45 a.m.
Bring the whole family and enjoy exciting Pro/Am Texas Cup racing throughout the day from 7:15 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
LOCATION: Baptist Temple Church in the Heights is located at 230 West 20th Street in Houston.
Parking will be available on streets near the course and in designated lots. Inform an HPD Officer at one of the road barricades that you are attending the race and follow instructions to parking areas.
REQUIREMENTS: Helmets for all participants are required. All participants must furnish his or her own bicycle/tricycle and helmet. Closed toe shoes and appropriate dress are required. A parent or guardian must sign a release of liability and be responsible for the safety and welfare of their child at all times (no child care provided). Participants should be able to pedal and drive their bicycle or tricycle without assistance for their age category distance.

REGISTRATION: Participants may pre-register online. Pre-registration closes at 5 pm on April 11. Space is limited to 25 participants per age division. No refunds. Race day registration (April 14) will be available from 8 to 9 am only at "RACE HUB" and limited to space availability on a first-come, first-served basis. Race day registrations will incur a $5 late fee. Cash only.

There will be snacks and drinks available for the participants and concessions for purchase before and during the event. Don't miss the moon walk, attractions and other exciting activities taking place at the 2007 HEIGHTS HOLY MACKEREL! Baptist Temple Bike Race.

Until the next nap time...