Earth Day is April 22. At Little K's school, they are celebrating all week. Over the weekend, we were asked to collect recyclable products that the kids could turn into musical instruments in class. Little K took an empty, plastic coffee jar with dry pasta inside. When she shook the container, the dry pasta made "music". During class, Little K said she put beautiful stickers all over the can. Later this week, her class is going to have an Earth Day parade, making music with the items produced in class.
Today, the classes will be planting flowers around the campus as part of the celebrations. Not only will it help beautify the grounds, it also teaches the kids about nature. I love gardening with my daughter. While her attention span is still short, it's good to show her how things grow when they are nurtured. That works for plants and people. :-)
What are you doing this week in celebration of Earth Day? I'm thinking about going to get some vegetable plants to add to our garden.
Until the next nap time...