So after a nice -- albeit rainy -- vacation in Puerto Rico for our 10th wedding anniversary, we're back in Houston preparing for Hurricane Ike. I'll continue posting whenever I can. My husband is bound and determined that we'll be leaving our house. I want to stay as long as the electricity (let me clarify -- Air Conditioning) is running. Little K knows a big storm is coming but doesn't understand the gravity of a category 3 or 4 hurricane hitting the Gulf Coast. We've decided to only explain the basics and try to have some fun with our daughter since no one in Houston is working on Friday.
I'm off to the pharmacy for allergy meds and then to pick up Little K from nursery school. "Take a Hike, Ike" is our new mantra. Who knew I should have included a generator on my Christmas wish list last year? Ugh.
Until the next nap time...