We all got some much needed rest at our family ranch this weekend. Saturday was a bit windy & chilly, but the sky was cloudless so it was hard to resist being outside. While Little K played with my mom and sister, Trent & I shot skeet. It was my first time but a highlight of my weekend.
Little K found lots of cool rocks and looked for critters. What a ranch hand she is! After playing on the playground and cruising around in the golf cart, we went to Martha's Bloomers to find a blackberry tree. As you can see, Little K discovered a beautiful butterfly (decoration) and we
picked up 2 thornless blackberry trees and 2 tomato plants. We love our trips to Martha's Bloomers for their wonderful garden ideas.
When our Houston ground soaks up all this rain, our family is going to plant these in a sunny spot in our back yard. I think Little K will really enjoy watching the plants grow. PaPa Don will be proud that we're at last trying again to grow a garden. (In 2004, the local squirrels ate my tomato plant while I was in Australia. It looked like my husband took the weed-wacker to it, but he promises it was the squirrels. I'm hoping that our vast array of outside kitties will prevent the squirrels from snacking on our plants.) We'll keep you posted.
Until the next nap time...